Friday, February 29, 2008

Time Trials; The Wave; Coach's Advice

From Frank:

Its usually around this time, the end of the season, when you look back and are amazed that we started the season together in September, nearly 7 months ago. Heres to hoping that those long weeks of of hard work and dedication pay off in great performances and exciting efforts over the next week during time trials and championships.

No matter what, we should all be proud of the Tsunami athletes. The best of luck to each and every one of you.

From Julie:
I'm looking forward to this year's Championships. We have all been working hard in practice and I want put all our efforts to the best use. Everyone should conserve their energy and get enough rest over the weekend and keep your stress levels to a minimum. "Carbo-loading" is a must the night before your race. Pasta is one of the best ways to get sufficient carbs.

On the day of your races, make sure you eat a balanced breakfast and lunch, as well as a light meal right after school (see December issue of "The Wave"). Eat a few healthy snacks during the day so that your energy level does not fall. Also, be sure that you are well hydrated before your races (see January issue of "The Wave").

Don't forget to bring warm clothes to wear between races, as well as "swimmer food", drinks, and your best cheering voices! GO TSUNAMI!

Heres the latest issue of the Wave!

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